
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Veterans Weekend

Ohhh what a long weekend! Yes the kids had extra days off, but b4 the "schedualed" days off Aden was sick (flu sick- yes we all had our shots months ago) then Hayla was, then it was the Adults turn. Finally Friday all was back to normal. Talon never got sick! I hope tomarrow is uneventfull. Today the kids & I ran some errands then stoped by a yard sale. I bought "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" for 50 cents & we watched it and made this "Thankful" banner today.It looks like it needs another L,  but I looked it L. I had planned on making this with them b4 I got sick so I had everything already cut out & a pocket sewn on the background felt pieces. I got the idea when I was looking around at some other blogs I if you want to copy & make one w/ your kids over break go for it. I like it because it makes you think..."what are you thankful for?".

The last batch of Pumpkin muffins just came out of the oven...yeah I can go to sleep! Aden & I made them, which is wierd cause all day he was telling me how gross the pumpkin smelled cooking.But they like to bake with me. I f they turn out ok Ill post the reicpie...I got it off the internet so you never know.

"Thankful" Banner
  • 9 pieces pre-cut felt (1 for mistakes)
  • 1/4 yard drk colored felt (for letters)
  • 1/4 yard harvest printed fabric (I used scraps from the attic)
  • plastic harvest leaves (walmart had garland on clearance)
  • hot glue
  • scissors
  • ribbon (about 90 inches)
Cut out your lettering, small patches of the harvest fabric, & trim the leaves off the wire.Make a pocket on the back of the pre-cut felt by guleing or sewing the top 3-4 inches down. Have the kids arrange the fabric, lettering, & leaves. Hot glue the down. Thread the letters with the ribbon & tack it up. *Have everything precut cause the kids will get bored waiting for you.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Halloween 2010'

 Okay these are backwards from the prder I wanted them in but oh well.This is Ruth's jellyfish costume.The tentacle glow in the dark.

 This is my kids trick or treating with the triplets.These neighbors built the fence just for Halloween night.

 Aden (darth vader) & the triplets.

 Why is everybody scared of clowns?I mean besides creepy masks like this one!
Shane & Talon

 Aden completly mutalated his pumpkin. It didnt even have a lid when he was done!Just a great big gaping whole in the head.

 Hayla got to us a little pumpkin knife this year & she did well.

 She made the wings the day b4 at Borders Halloween Spooktacular.

 This was Shane's...he like the geometrical shapes.

Talon's friend Reina met us at Borders. This is them.