Ohhh what a long weekend! Yes the kids had extra days off, but b4 the "schedualed" days off Aden was sick (flu sick- yes we all had our shots months ago) then Hayla was, then it was the Adults turn. Finally Friday all was back to normal. Talon never got sick! I hope tomarrow is uneventfull. Today the kids & I ran some errands then stoped by a yard sale. I bought "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" for 50 cents & we watched it and made this "Thankful" banner today.It looks like it needs another L, but I looked it up...one L. I had planned on making this with them b4 I got sick so I had everything already cut out & a pocket sewn on the background felt pieces. I got the idea when I was looking around at some other blogs I follow...so if you want to copy & make one w/ your kids over break go for it. I like it because it makes you think..."what are you thankful for?".
The last batch of Pumpkin muffins just came out of the oven...yeah I can go to sleep! Aden & I made them, which is wierd cause all day he was telling me how gross the pumpkin smelled cooking.But they like to bake with me. I f they turn out ok Ill post the reicpie...I got it off the internet so you never know.
"Thankful" Banner
- 9 pieces pre-cut felt (1 for mistakes)
- 1/4 yard drk colored felt (for letters)
- 1/4 yard harvest printed fabric (I used scraps from the attic)
- plastic harvest leaves (walmart had garland on clearance)
- hot glue
- scissors
- ribbon (about 90 inches)
Cut out your lettering, small patches of the harvest fabric, & trim the leaves off the wire.Make a pocket on the back of the pre-cut felt by guleing or sewing the top 3-4 inches down. Have the kids arrange the fabric, lettering, & leaves. Hot glue the down. Thread the letters with the ribbon & tack it up. *Have everything precut cause the kids will get bored waiting for you.